Asthma, Breathing & Respiratory Problems

little boy, aged 2    3 treatments
S. was often unable to draw breath when crying, even fainting and requiring artificial respiration on one occasion. He was given three treatments in a short period of time.

First, the therapist performed the moves on S.’s soft toys with him puffing. Then his mum tried her hand on him and finally he allowed the therapist to touch him while he performed a few of the gentle moves. After a year, there has been no recurrence of the problem.


boy, aged 6     1 treatment
Oliver’s asthma was worsening and his mother did not tell him that his visit to Bowen therapist Carole Railton was connected to his breathing problems. As he is normally quite a stubborn little boy and wary of anything new, his mother was surprised when he accepted the treatment and did as he was told.

The next evening, when she reminded him to take his usual dose from his inhaler, he announced: “I don’t need my puffer any more”. He then enjoyed a summer free of asthma, including hour-long football practices with his brother, and a mountain-biking holiday in Scotland.


girl, aged 8     3 treatments
Felicity is 8 years old and suffered with asthma and chest infections. She was small for her age and had a poor appetite. She had 3 inhalers: 5 puffs of one twice a day, 3 of another twice a day and the last one every 4 hours.

Distressed with the amount of medication Felicity was taking, her mother was looking for an alternative and discovered The Bowen Technique. After one treatment, Felicity became full of life, energetic, hungry and didn’t need the last 4 hourly inhaler. At the end of treatment 3, she was off all inhalers, had grown, was still full of life and hungry.

At a routine check up with the GP, just after Bowen treatment 3, he immediately picked up the difference. The bright, alert look in her eyes, weight and height gain, clear, good, strong breathing. He was so pleased he wanted Bowen information to give to other patients.


boy, aged 10         2 treatments
N, an asthmatic for a number of years, came for Bowen treatment following the acute exacerbation of his problem.

His asthma was out of control and he was on oral steroids and also had a chest infection, an ear infection and chronic nasal congestion. His peak flow was 150.

The day after the first treatment, his peak flow was 215 and there was no wheeze. After the second treatment N could breathe through his nose. 8 months later, his mother reported no exacerbation of the asthma over the winter and his inhaled steroids were cut down drastically. In addition, he suffered no infections.


boy, teenager        3 treatments
A teenager, Keith, had had asthma, a constant backache and severe ‘morning motivational’ problems for years.

He often had problems getting to sleep, but after a 6.30 p.m. Bowen treatment he fell sound asleep till next morning. After two Bowen treatments he complained of little result, but carried on.

The third treatment made him want to drink a lot of water (a common reaction to Bowen) and he has not looked back since. His backache and asthma are gone and, amazingly, for the first time in his life he is experiencing a sustained motivation to get up and going in the mornings.


girl, aged 17    1 emergency treatment
England Junior Basketball Team Member, K, was involved with the multistage fitness test used to analyse an athlete’s aerobic. performance.

A standard is expected at this level and the peer pressure to achieve the necessary grade is immense. K was struggling for breath soon into the test causing some concern early on. Determination kept her going until she had to stop because she could not gain a breath at all and had commenced a panic attack, which complicated the situation.

K was removed from the concerned crowd and the Bowen emergency asthma move carried out. Immediately a normal breathing pattern resumed and after 30 minutes K carried on training with no further symptoms.


Michelle, aged 29   4 treatments
Michelle had been experiencing pain in the thoracic area when breathing, from the back through to the front for two years. She had a history of severe asthma and that was linked to this.

She had had various manipulations over this period of time via her GP and chiropractors, which had offered no relief. After 3 treatments the pain was no longer evident and the breathing was easier.

She described at this stage that she had a lymph drainage problem down one side of her body, mainly in the neck and was prone to lumpy breasts on that side.

Her fourth visit was an insurance to make sure that the relief was holding. A month after final treatment, she is free from all discomfort.


Rachael, who works as a restorer of antique rugs and carpets, received Bowen treatment. She was using “puffers”, sometimes every hour, and looked terrible -black rings round her eyes, no energy and a grey complexion. It was discovered during treatment that she was highly allergic to wool and course dust. She had to seriously consider whether she could continue with her chosen career after years of study and apprenticeship.

This was 5 years ago. Rachael started having weekly Bowen treatments and was often sick after the Bowen asthma moves but felt better for it. She now has maintenance Bowen treatments every four to six weeks. Although she still has asthma it no longer plagues her life and her use of “puffers” is minimal unless she is treating a really dirty rug. The only treatment that Rachael has is Bowen.


Bowen therapist, teacher and sports coach, Paula Esson, has found the Bowen Technique to be an invaluable tool with athletes. She tells the story of a young woman’s response to Bowen. Katharine is a member of the England Junior Basketball Team and was involved with the multi-stage fitness test used to analyse an athlete’s aerobic performance.

A standard is expected at this level and the peer pressure to achieve the necessary grade is immense. Katharine was struggling for breath soon into the test causing some concern early on. Determination kept her going until she had to stop because she could not gain a breath at all and had commenced a panic attack, which complicated the situation.

Katharine was removed from the concerned crowd and Paula carried out the Bowen emergency asthma move. Immediately, a normal breathing pattern resumed and after 30 minutes Katharine carried on training with no further symptoms.


Kick the inhaler into touch, The Times, November 22, 2003