History of The Bowen Technique

Bowen Therapy was developed in the 1950s by the Australian osteopath Tom Bowen, who recognised that unusual relationships existed between certain health complaints and particular patterns of muscular dysfunction. His observations led to many years of intense clinical research, which ultimately resulted in the development of a unique system of myofascial stimulation. This brought about long term corrections to the unusual patterns of muscular dysfunction and the corresponding health complaints in his patients as well. Tom Bowen referred to his work simply as soft tissue therapy. He continued to develop and refine this work right up until his death in 1982.

Although it only arrived in the UK in 1993, it is now fast becoming a popular complementary therapy. Its simplicity and effectiveness mean increasing numbers of health and sports professionals are recommending or training in Bowen Therapy to treat muscular and skeletal or nerve imbalance, injury, acute and chronic conditions and pain.

Sarah Yearsley Bowen Technique Therapy
Sarah Yearsley Bowen Technique Therapy